Titicaca Lake and Bolivian girls
This beautiful lake was traditionally considered as the highest extension of navigable water in the world.
Lake Titicaca is immense: it measures 233 km from northwest to southeast and 97 km from northeast to southwest. The shore is rugged, and has 36 islands scattered in exceptionally limpid waters with a blue sapphire color. Indians living in the vicinity revere the lake, and the Inca mythology locates the origins of creation in the legendary Islands of the Sun and Moon.
The most important city in this area is Copacabana. In that city it is possible to find a Moorish-style cathedral where the Feast of the Virgen de la Candelaria is celebrated.
The most important islands in the lake are:
Suriqui Island famous for its reed boats, Isla Kalahuta for its stone tombs and la Isla Incas, according to legend, from that place begins a network of underground passages leading to the ancient Inca capital of Cuzco, Peru.

Boat trip in Titicaca Lake
Travelers should protect themselves in the lake region, as the shortage of oxygen in the air means high levels of ultraviolet radiation. Half of Lake Titicaca is located within the borders of Peru; Puno is the most important town and the main departure point for excursions to the Peruvian shore of the lake.