Sangay National Park Ecuador
About 70 miles southeast of Bath, located about 170 km south of Quito, lies the Sangay National Park, covering some 272,000 hectares of the most remote and inaccessible forests in the country and protects an incredible abundance of exotic animals.
Also we can find areas with an incredible variety of flora and different kinds of habitats like “The Pasochoa Wildlife Refuge, 30 km southeast of Quito, and Podocarpus National Park in the southernmost tip of Ecuador, between Loja and Zamora.

Incredible variety of flora
To watch closely at some of the more unusual animals, nothing beats that a trip to the Cuyabeno Wildlife Reserve in the northern end of the East. A coastal landscape to be discovered is the Machalilla National Park, north of Guayaquil, on the central coast.

Ecuador National Parks

Tours and travels Ecuador South America

Machalilla National Park Ecuador