The charms of Brazil, promoted by athletes

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Lucas Leiva, midfielder Brazilian soccer is one of the athletes who agreed to promote the charms of the giant South American way of major international sporting events that will be based in, among which highlights the FIFA World Cup 2014.

Leiva Lucas Porto Alegre knows very well and does not hesitate to recommend it for those visitors who choose that destination for the upcoming 2014 FIFA World Cup.

The current figure of Liverpool in England, who played two years at Gremio Porto glad, still remembers with emotion the afternoon on the banks of the River Guaíba.

“It’s always beautiful to look at the sunset on the lake, or the very beautiful rivers that run through the area,” he recalls, as quoted by the Brazilian Tourism Ente (Embratur).

It also highlights the “excellent facilities” and “great restaurants” that cities in southern Brazil have for fans who travel there to experience the festival of football.

Further notes that Uruguayan and Argentine fans in Porto Alegre will not miss their local customs and can “take a chimarrón (bitter mate) or Matthew (Matthew Sweet)” because it is a habit they share with the gaucho culture.

“Porto Alegre has everything it takes to get the World Cup”, top central midfielder in Brazil selected.

Travel Brazil. Information about Brazil:

– Also “The Matador” –

But Lucas Leiva is not alone in his opinion because another who prefers the host cities of southern Brazil and Porto Alegre or Curitiba to live FIFA World Cup 2014 is former Argentine soccer star Mario Alberto Kempes, world champion in 1978.

“There are countries that are naturally ultimate football fans. In any country in South America is made the World Cup stadiums will be full. But if there is a beach nearby, as in Brazil, is much nicer,” said Cordoba, who now works as a sports commentator for ESPN.

“I’ve been several times in Brazil, as a player and rental, and is very cute, is spectacular and the gentleness and kindness with which they treat the tourist,” recalls former Rosario Central player and Valencia CF. . – Curitiba -.

Travel Brazil. Information about Brazil:

Cosmopolitan and modern, Curitiba is seen as a true example of city head of state within Brazil and is considered one of the capital with better quality of life throughout the country.

Strongly influenced by European immigration, shows the visitor at every step how it was blessed by enormous cultural diversity that has enriched every aspect of daily life and transformed it into a site with an excellent infrastructure to cater for tourists arriving for business or pleasure.

The classic venue in the city is the Rua das Flores, a long covered walkway opened in 1992, where both day and night almost fifty shops offer all the services that may be required.

The trip may well be the launching pad to enjoy the many attractions of the city: Arame Opera Theatre, Teatro Guaira, the Railway Museum, the Museum Oscar Niemeyer, the Historic Center, the Santa Felicidade or more 30 ecological parks that surround it.


In addition, Curitiba is the ideal way to start a series of unforgettable excursions. Foz do Iguaçu is a likely destination, where tourists will be simply amazed by falls from 2,700 feet wide and 72 meters high, one of the most stunning natural spectacles in the world. . – Towards the sea.

Travel Brazil. Information about Brazil:

Another possibility is to go to the sea and meet the enchanting Ilha do Mel, a scene of wild beauty and pristine beaches guarded by the historic Fortress of Nossa Senhora dos Prazeres, the Grotto and Enchanted Farol das das Conchas.

Further south, entering fully into Gaucho territory, the visitor finds Porto Alegre, the city with the Human Development Index and GDP per capita higher in Brazil.

The possibilities for recreation, fun and relaxation in Porto Alegre are countless for everyone: both for devotees of nature, as lovers of adrenaline or art.

One of the things you enjoy most tourists in Porto Alegre is just from being able to stroll through the city center, a veritable open-air architectural museum.

And once there, delivered during the quiet hectic day or night to the local cuisine, unique in the country by the strong component of beef used in their recipes. . – Outskirts of Porto Alegre

Leaving the city, Porto Alegre becomes the starting point for many nearby destinations of great diversity: sun, beaches, historic towns, tourism.

Gramado, for example, is a delicate-looking Swiss village set amidst the mountains, where the fondue and chocolate are a mandatory part of the tasting cuisine.

Travel Brazil. Information about Brazil:
Cinnamon is a town with strong German mark, from which you can access the River Paranhana ecological reserves, ideal for adventure sports, and Parque do Caracol, one of the most dazzling scenes with its 131-meter waterfall .

For wine lovers and adventure, Bento Gonçalves provides the route through the Vale dos Vinhedos, where you can taste the drink and make rafting the Rio das Antas.

Curitiba and Porto Alegre Both are receiving, in the face of FIFA World Cup 2014, major investments to optimize already have great urban infrastructure to welcome all football fans.

In works of Urban Mobility, for example, streets and roads of the cities will receive a total contribution of 464.1 million reais (Curitiba) and 480 million reais (Porto Alegre), respectively.

Also planned is the refurbishment of the two airports, with disbursements of 73 million Reais (Curitiba) and 346 million reais (Porto Alegre).

The goal of all sizes and curitibanos is glad to show the world what it has to offer southern Brazil, a land unique and diverse hospital.

Travel Brazil. Information about Brazil.

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