Colombia: official website of tourism in this country with great information to Travel Colombia

Colombia Map

Colombia Map

Travel to Colonia official web site:, the official tourism site of the South American country, has added panoramic photographs and fun facts that enable a better understanding of the target before he travel while complementing other details such as information on where to go, what to do, data practical, blogs and multimedia files. advises potential travelers to visit the website before visiting the destination, “because a country like Colombia, with coasts on both oceans (Atlantic and Pacific) and is the most biodiverse in the world per square mile has much to offer travelers before, during and after your trip, “he said in a statement. now has a gallery of images in 360 degrees, which are places like Santa Marta, Providencia and Santa Catalina, Narino, Amazonas, Cartagena de Indias and the Coffee, declared World Heritage by UNESCO recently.

More information to Travel to Colombia

Together with this new section, the official tourism website offers sections? Why do Colombia, Useful Information, Media and Community.


“Where To Go” provides information on the main tourist destinations in Colombia: Amazonas, Barranquilla, Bogotá, Boyacá, Cali and Valle del Cauca, Huila, Medellin, Antioquia, Pacific, Providencia and Santa Catalina, San Andres, Santa Marta, Santander and The Coffee (which also just launched its own site, which the user about the culture of one of the premier companies in Colombia: Coffee.

“Guide” provides detailed information on the tourist wealth of the country, divided into products for different types of travelers, adventure tourism, sun and beach, nature, green tourism, history and tradition, golf, hotels in style and thematic tours, such as coffee, García Márquez routes or sauce.

When to Travel to Colombia
“Colombia” provides general information of Internet users in the country, the main national symbols, such as orchid, Colombia’s main flower, which has made the country the second largest in the world in exports of flowers, and cumbia, the pace traditional to move the hips to all who visit.

“Practical Information” provides tips to help organize your trip before, during and leave the country. In addition, this information is supplemented with a personalized flyer through twitter, chat and online community.

Information to Travel to Colombia
“Multimedia” includes a complete photo gallery, audio, video, virtual tours, screensavers and wallpapers that bring the user to the most exciting reality of a country like Colombia.

Finally, “Community” allows the user to see, through blogs, each one of the most enigmatic places in Colombia and its traditions, like the desert of La Guajira, the work of silleteros or Nuquí, “one of the secrets best kept in the Colombian Pacific. “

About Mariana Balanescu South America

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