Sao Paulo the city of Brazil is looking for the excellence in tourism

Sao Paulo Brazil:


The Cultural capital of Brazil Sao Paulo is consider like “One of the world capital of gastronomy, architecture and contemporary art and urban, which has all kinds of museums and many galleries,” says Liz tourism entrepreneurs Flavia Di Paolo

More information about Sao Paulo Brazil:

With more than 12,000 restaurants, 110 museums, 300 cinemas and a bewildering range of nightlife, Sao Paulo, the largest city in South America, wants to overcome the label of regional financial capital to attract tourists under the proposed cultural epicenter.
Last year the city broke records in receiving tourists, 11.7 million, implying a 3.54 percent increase over the previous year, according to the Tourism Observatory.
But the bulk of visitors are Brazilian. Only 1.6 million tourists who flock to Sao Paulo last year were foreigners.
Promotion agencies are aware that to put Sao Paulo, a city that does not enjoy the natural charms of Rio de Janeiro, the “Marvelous City” par excellence in the world tourism map have to put the focus on its cultural , gastronomy, leisure and consumption.

“We try to work on an identity from a cultural agenda,” Carvalho told Efe.
Part of the tourism promotion strategy is based on incentives to employers who move frequently to the city for work to stay one more day to discover the hidden charms of the city of almost 20 million inhabitants in its metropolitan area.
Currently, foreigners who flock to Sao Paulo stay an average of 5.6 days, while visitors do Brazilians 2.6 days.
The president of Sao Paulo Turismo, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo “are products that do not compete but complement each other.”
Meanwhile, businesswoman Liz Flavia Di Paolo, who organizes customized routes and thematic Sao Paulo, vehemently defends the contribution the city makes the international context.

Information for travelling to Sao Paulo Brazil:


Symbol culture. “Sao Paulo is the cultural capital of Brazil, Latin America and the Southern Hemisphere and one of the world capital of gastronomy, architecture and contemporary art and urban, which has all kinds of museums and many galleries,” he told Eph.
According to Di Paolo, its mission is to make known “Brazilian culture through Sao Paulo” and “open the doors to places that few people have access.”
The guide develops different types of tours depending on the profile abroad, in addition to having already organized several thematic routes as those devoted to architecture, fashion and graffiti.
One of his clients was the former mayor of Barcelona and former president of the Generalitat (regional government) of Catalonia, Pasqual Maragall, who was in town in early April.

Travel to Sao Paulo:

The truth is that Sao Paulo, a city designed as a true homage to the cement, hides a multitude of attractions and entertainment program is hard to beat.

What to see in Sao Paulo, Brazil:

One of the stops on the Ibirapuera Park, the most important green lung of the city, as well as a venue for the practice of sport is full of lakes and museums.
The park, designed by the father of modern Brazilian architecture, Oscar Niemeyer and the landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx, a selection of cultural centers like the Museum of Modern Art and a planetarium as well as being the scene of the Contemporary Art Biennial and the fashion week in Sao Paulo, the most important gateway to Latin America.

The offer of museums is led by Art Museum of Sao Paulo (MASP) opened in October 1947 in the heart of Avenida Paulista, one of the main arteries of the city.
Only the building, designed by the architect Lina Bo Bardi, is worth a visit to be structured in a square block that serves as the main body supported by four pillars.
The project leaves a space that serves as the visitor viewpoint towards the city center.
The museum collection consists of works by artists like Raphael, Botticceli, Rembrandt, Velazquez and Goya, but the central part of European art museum is devoted to French painting with pieces by Delacroix, Renoir, Manet, Monet, Cezanne and Degas .
The MAFF also has a library, library, movie library, video library and offers courses in art, films and concerts.

When to Travel to Sao Paulo, Brazil:

But visiting Sao Paulo is, without doubt, talk with their inhabitants, and wander through its streets to enjoy some of the most emblematic places as the historic City Market, where tourists are required to taste the typical bologna sandwich orPateo College Square, considered the birthplace of the city.
Other visits are old neo-Gothic cathedral and the famous know Liberdade, Sao Paulo Nippon stronghold known shopping and dining center, which hosts the populous community from Japan living in the city.
Nightlife. Night lovers would agree that one of the great charms of São Paulo is the multiplicity of concerts and live performances that are part of the impressive array of nightlife, which makes Sao Paulo on a big stage after sunset.

Many international artists such as U2 or Paul McCartney have played in Sao Paulo, but also every year hosts the “Cultural Evening”, an event that more than one program free performances by top artists and new talents of the scene focused on 24 hours.
The number of clubs, pubs and bars that span the musical spectrum, tastes and sensibilities, every day of the week, can satisfy the most demanding.
However, the vibrant cultural capital of Brazil has a number of serious problems, led by transport infrastructure, which hinder the daily life and hinder the attraction of tourists.

Visit Sao Paulo, Brazil

Map of Brazil

Map of Brazil

Drawbacks. According to Carvalho, the biggest problem is Guarulhos International Airport, whose facilities are clearly inadequate for the volume of air traffic today. “In this respect, we are in the stone age,” he said.
Furthermore, road traffic is a mess and the subway is minimal, just 70 kilometers of lines that leave out large areas of the city.
From the outside, one of the issues seen with security precaution. The number of homicides reached 305 cases in Sao Paulo between January and April this year, a figure that implies a reduction of almost 37% over the 483 recorded in the same period in 2010, officials said.
Police work
The authorities, who attributed the drop in homicides to better policing and increased investment in intelligence, expect the region of Sao Paulo end of the year with a rate of 9.75 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants, according to parametersUN. “From the time when the tourist leaves the house is unsafe.But insecurity affects many more tourists to the citizen. “

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