A trekking in Argentina will join 5 National Parks of Patagonia

Nationals Parks in Patagonia Argentina


Argentina wants to join the trend to long walks and to this end has announced the creation of trekking “Huella Andina,” which will link the National Park Lanin, Nahuel Huapi, The Myrtles, Lake Pueloand The Larches, through a path 560 km.

The trail will have its inception in alumina and exploiting old ways, will tour from north to south through the mountains of Neuquén, Chubut and Black River, finishing in Trevelin. Along the way, also passes from one end to the “Patagonian Andean Ecological Corridor”, declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO.


National Parks in Patagonia Argentina

National Parks in Patagonia Argentina

The major objective of the project is to attract visitors to respect the environment and promote sustainable tourism as a development tool. The Secretary of Tourism of Black River, Miguel Carignano, said: “From the town we are working for some time in the enhancement of the activity, so for us it is an incomparable resource, particularly bearing in mind that will attracttourists around the world. ”


Tags: National Parks in Argentina. Travel to Argentina information. Patagonia trekking and excursions.

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